Invisible underwear, it's not easy to say love you

Invisible underwear, it's not easy to say love you Summer heat, many fashion girls choose to buy "invisible" underwear to match summer dress, revealing the shoulder, outside the United States within the show. People's attention to invisible underwear is getting higher and higher, and it is no longer just for screen stars and Matou.

What is invisible underwear? Commonly referred to as invisible bra. It consists of two pieces of silicone film and a front Buckle - no need for shoulder straps and buckle backs. This design without chest straps and side straps, and with a color close to the skin tone, makes it difficult for women to see through even if they wear light-colored clothing in summer. It is suitable for wearing when wearing summer clothes, wedding dresses, and dresses, such as halters and bare shoulders, and is especially popular with celebrity models and trendy women.

Invisible underwear and ordinary underwear in addition to the design is different, but also what is the difference? At present, some people are still not willing to try easily because they are not sure whether they are comfortable and healthy.

Xiao Bian clicked to view a well-known domestic C2C website and saw merchants' instincts about invisible underwear. Everywhere, “zero profit, the lowest price in the entire network”, “second kill* national package”, “only today, missed Again, prices are as low as ten to twenty yuan and as high as six or seven hundred yuan. According to the shop owner, one of the reasons for the difference in price is that the degree of washability of the silicone used is different. The cheap silicone underwear can only withstand washing for several dozen times, and the high price can be washed more than one hundred times. Ordinary underwear, although there is also a problem of the length of use, but it will not be so sensitive to the number of times and prices like this.

A brand underwear related person in charge, formal silicone stealth underwear, due to the direct contact with the body of silicone material and body, in the market before going through the health, quality inspection department of a variety of allergies, safety testing. Only by complying with the relevant standards can it be circulated in the market. According to the survey, some low-priced silicone underwear on the market currently comes from some beauty salons, street underwear shops, or online purchases. Some experts have reminded customers that close-fitting invisible underwear needs to focus on functionality and return to a healthy source. It is recommended to purchase in a regular mall. In addition, due to the heavy weight of the silicone material relative to the cotton cloth, poor air permeability, and short support time, it is recommended that the wear time should not be too long.

Because traditional underwear has a long period of market accumulation and development, coupled with a lot of brand companies invest a lot of research and development, to the customer is more secure, design and function of products more in line with; invisible underwear advocated for women "unlocked" The new concept provides a fresh choice for women who are equally pursuing beauty and comfort.

In summary, consumers choose not only to pay attention to the price of invisible underwear, but also to consider materials and use considerations. Really, invisible underwear, it is not easy to say love you.

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