How to choose wedding gold jewelry according to the shape of the face

How to choose the traditional customs of wedding jewelry, the new bride must wear a full set of gold jewelry on the day of marriage, in addition to representing the joy, but also symbolize status and wealth. However, for many fashionable women, in addition to wishing to wear them on the wedding day, they also hope to wear them on weekdays. Therefore, modern brides choose wedding gold jewelry, which will pay more and more attention to practicality and design.

If you want to choose the model that suits you, you may wish to use the face and body as the basic reference principle. Generally speaking:

The necklace and earrings that are suitable for the face of the melon seeds are the most expensive.

The round face is suitable for medium and long necklaces, and the hanging earrings make the face line slim.

The square face is suitable for medium and long necklaces, and the earrings are ear-shaped. The shape is round and oval, which makes the face softer.

The long face is suitable for short necklaces, button and earrings, round or wide, which makes the face smooth.

The triangular face is suitable for medium and long necklaces and long hanging earrings, which can soften the lines between the forehead and the chin.

The inverted triangle face is suitable for short necklaces, while the earrings are suspended, and the bottom is wider, which can soften the cheekbones.



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