Han Xing thin belly, a button to get fat

Almost everyone has an enviable figure. How do they manage their body shape? The abdomen is the body's most prone to fat accumulation, but also the most difficult to lose weight, make the abdomen flat and strong, almost every love The wish of the beautiful person. Maybe you are suffering from a weight loss in your abdomen. Let's take a look at some of Han Sung's abdominal slimming tricks, which can be inspired.

Sun Yizhen in the film "Unprepared for the City" is exquisite in stature, and she maintains her sexy coup in her abdomen by turning the hula hoop. This exercise can evenly stimulate the abdomen and waist and is very effective in eliminating excess fat. To achieve the best results, pay attention to the width of both feet and the width of the shoulder when turning, and slowly turn.

Jin Yazhong showed her perfect S-shaped figure in the movie “The Trouble of the Beauty.” So what does she keep in her abdomen? The answer is the most common skipping rope. Jump rope is a kind of whole body exercise, but it is mainly exerted by the lower abdomen, so the effect of weight loss on the abdomen is obvious. The difference between Jin Yazhong's skipping weight loss method is that each time he jumps, the foot gently moves away from the ground, which saves energy to the maximum and does not feel tired for a long time, thus successfully achieving abdominal weight loss.

Comments: Exercise is a good way to lose weight

The abdomen is where body fat is most likely to accumulate. The food that we ingest into fat will be stored in the abdomen first. When it needs to consume energy, it will be mobilized to burn. If it is stored for a long time and it is not consumed, the tummy will naturally become larger and larger. Although the star's weight loss methods are different, they are nothing more than exercise.

Take a standing posture, hold a button with your navel, keep your abdomen firmly, and make sure the button does not fall. Over time, the fat on the abdomen disappeared. This method can also stimulate abdominal blood circulation, enhance gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation.

Edit to recommend you a few tricks:

1, sitting posture should be correct: on weekdays to stay in the office of long-term women, sitting must be correct, because the correct posture can keep your stomach and buttocks in a tense state, hip line is not easy to deform, the leg curve is therefore corrected .

2, do not tolerate: tolerance habits, will make the rectal mucosa become dull, and even the formation of inertia constipation, defecation is not smooth, then the lower abdomen will naturally grow and grow!

3, use abdominal breathing method: When we inhale, belly up, exhale, belly tightened. This method helps to stimulate gastrointestinal motility and promote the discharge of waste in the body. On the other hand, it can also make air flow smooth and increase lung capacity.

4, to reduce the abdomen all the time: When walking and standing, remember to force the belly, and then with the abdominal breathing, maybe a day or two will find it very hard, but for a long time, you can see your own abdominal muscles become tight Easy to achieve slimming effect.

Want to learn more about buttons: accessible

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